What reading means to me.

Few of us like reading while others find movies as a very good alternative. I like doing both. Life is as complicated as we think of it to be. We find very good reasons not to read books.

Abbigail Kingsleigh
3 min readFeb 13, 2021

Say for example now that we’ve got our own computers for our so called online learning many people including me sometimes get distracted and are half the time on YouTube. Well, I love reading then why am I watching movies instead. Well I find it hard to hide the fact I am reading during my online classes instead of just attending it, but it’s easy to see movies on the same computer and put no sound on the class part and full sound for the movies (using headphones). I am gonna try and reason with myself down below using the names Abby and Gail, who are in this dialogue siblings.

ABBY- I think its not exactly what you call paying attention to the teacher when you watch movies in the class. You should concentrate in class and read books after class for however long as we want ( exceeding 30 mins )and keep 30 minutes aside for movies.

GAIL- NO WAY! I prefer movies what do you get from books anyway.

ABBY- Books improve your imagination, creativity and innovation. They also have many types of genres.

GAIL- That may be so, but movies can also offer you many genres.

ABBY- Books help you understand that there are so many other people going through the same feelings and problems that you yourself are going through.

GAIL- So do movies and even better they provide pictures so you don’t have to stress your mind and imagine it.

ABBY- Firstly those pictures distract you from the point of the movie and instead make you look at the powers of the hero and villain. Life is what you think of it as and you think imagining something is hard, then it is gonna be hard. Try thinking of it as easy and it could improve your skills. You have a lot more options of jobs like a archaeologist or a scientist since you can imagine the possibilities of what could have happened in history and make hypothesis for the possibilities and effects.

GAIL- I want to be an astronaut and not a scientist or an archaeologist. PHEW! Think of all the work I’ll have to do if I was an archaeologist. DIGGING and MORE DIGGING.

ABBY- Fine, take the example of an astronaut with glasses. No WAY! Remember the doctor said you might need glasses in about a year. Did you think of that!

GAIL- FYI, you can get glasses for reading as well.

ABBY- Only if you read too close. I honestly think reading is better. It doesn’t distract you, doesn’t give you glasses if you are reading the way you should and also improves your skills. The other things that books do for you might also be in movies but here are things that movies don’t have for you.

  • **************************THE END*****************************

Reading means a lot to me. It has taught me that however there are so many people who have gone through what you are going through now and have either succeeded or failed. It depends on how much you believe in yourself and the qualities you choose to execute. All of us are made up of both good and bad but we must choose one to take us forward.

I’m sorry if this was a long read, and if the conversation bored you. Please let me know in the comments below or e-mail me at abbigailkingsleigh@gmail.com .

To read more blogs from me, trust me they are shorter visit abbigailkingsleigh.medium.com .



Abbigail Kingsleigh

I am a multi tasker and allrounder born in California.